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Today's Random Quote
Don't let someone els's opinion of you, become your reality.
Music from Japanese great composer
Hi guys how you doing?
Im sorry that I didn't post much last week. I have been struggling with job-hunting here in Japan which has mad lot of stress.
so recently what I need is something which can take me away from this real society and one of them is definitely music from Miyazaki Hayao's movie , composed by Jyo Hisaishi. both of them are the very best artist in Japan so people from abroad also might have heard about them or their work.
anyway since their music healed me a lot, now I want to share it with you who are also suffering from the society and busy life;)
here it is
it has "country roads" too and its lyrics is actually more beautiful in japanese than in english... ill post some translation later when i get time.
Always with love,